Grants For Good
Employee Giving

City of Hull Street Angels

December 2023


This team of volunteers are on hand to help the most vulnerable in Hull’s busy areas every weekend from 9 pm until 3am. The team of 26 volunteers have saved lives by being there to respond to situations quickly, carrying equipment such as foil blankets and phone power banks, to ensure a safe journey home for people of all ages. As well as protecting individuals, they also alleviate the burden on ambulance crews, and provide valuable experience to the medical students who volunteer for them.


The City of Hull Street Angels are dedicated volunteers who serve the most vulnerable in Hull’s town centre, and other busy areas every weekend from 9pm until 3am.

The team of 26 volunteers have saved lives by ensuring they are there to respond to situations quickly. They have helped people struggling with mental health problems and suicidal thoughts and are often the first line of support for people when they are at their most vulnerable. They have also intervened and prevented sexual assaults and domestic abuse incidents.

Carrying equipment such as foil blankets and phone power banks, and collaborating with taxi services, they ensure a safe journey home for people of all ages and have helped countless individuals who have ended up alone in the city to get home safely. They also extend their care to others by offering flip flops, water, and sick bowls to anyone in need.

Whilst the work of the Street Angels is important to individuals, it is also valuable to the emergency services. The early intervention of the team can mean calls to the emergency services are avoided, alleviating the burden on ambulance crews, allowing them to prioritise those in need. Many of the volunteers are medical students, carrying first aid kits, advanced knife crime dressings and a defibrillator, gaining valuable experience of working with the police and ambulance service.

The £5,000 Grants for Good fund awarded will enable the Hull Street Angels to offer their volunteers training and acquire vital equipment, including jackets and first aid refills.

Being shortlisted is incredible. We are a small, high impact charity open to all voluntary sector leaders across South Yorkshire. Many of the charities we support are small or medium sized organisations, the smallest being a food bank and community larder operating from the founder’s own house.

Support for us means support for a wide range of diverse charities from across the region, resulting in a significant impact for a large number of communities and service users.

Martin Singer