Grants For Good
Employee Giving

Menopause & Cancer

March 2024


Menopause and Cancer is a patient-advocacy organisation providing unique digital and in-person support to those over 18, with any cancer type, who experience menopause because of treatment or surgery. Dani Binnington founded Menopause and Cancer after being thrown into surgical menopause at 39, following a cancer diagnosis five years earlier, and receiving no information or support.


Life-saving cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, or hormone therapy result in 40% of women under 40, and 70%-90% of women over 40 entering permanent menopause, and many more experiencing temporary symptoms.

Entering the menopause at this time brings many challenges and women have reported that managing it can feel harder than experiencing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. In a survey, the organisation found that 88% of women received no help in managing menopausal symptoms after cancer and spoke of ‘feeling isolated’, ‘not knowing who to turn to’ and ‘not being listened to’.

With only 100 NHS menopause specialists in the UK, no mandatory menopause training for GPs, and nearly half of oncology/clinical nurses not providing menopause advice, women are being failed at a time when they most need support.

Menopause and Cancer is a patient-advocacy organisation providing unique digital and in-person support to those over 18, with any cancer type, who experience menopause because of treatment or surgery.

Since 2021 they have reached thousands through workshops, programmes, website, social media, and podcast. With content that is developed in conjunction with healthcare professionals, their holistic approach helps decrease anxiety, aid symptom-management, increase confidence, build relationships, and improve medical outcomes.

Dani Binnington founded Menopause and Cancer after being thrown into surgical menopause at 39, following a cancer diagnosis five years earlier, and receiving no information or support. She has made it her mission to change that: ‘Together we can work towards a better menopause experience. More educated, better informed, and less alone’.

The £5,000 grant from the John Good Group will enable Menopause and Cancer to develop its digital fact sheets and content. Available on their website, and promoted via newsletter, social media and podcast, these digital resources are a vital source free information for those who are in the menopause after a cancer diagnosis. They help women to understand treatment options, as well as providing support for mental, physical and sexual health, exercise and nutrition.

Additionally, they are accessed by health professionals for up-to-date information to support their patients, as there is currently no other dedicated resource such as this.

Being shortlisted is incredible. We are a small, high impact charity open to all voluntary sector leaders across South Yorkshire. Many of the charities we support are small or medium sized organisations, the smallest being a food bank and community larder operating from the founder’s own house.

Support for us means support for a wide range of diverse charities from across the region, resulting in a significant impact for a large number of communities and service users.

Martin Singer